Brooklyn Animal Control Co-Star Dir. Brian Kirk
I Love You…But I Lied Guest Star Dir. Michael Selditch
Law & Order: SVU Guest Star Dir. Jean De Segonzac
Funereal Leading Dir. Ron Smith
Stand-Up Neurotica Leading Dir. Daniel Lubiner
Manhattan Love Story Co-Star Dir. Christine Gernon
The Carrie Diaries Co-Star Dir. Janice Cooke; CW
Nurse Jackie Guest Star Dir. Romeo Tyrone; Showtime
Law and Order: CI Co-Star Dir. Frank Prinzi; NBC Universal
Equity Supporting Dir. Meera Menon
The Amazing Ray Supporting Dir. Isaac Chehebar
Clandestine Supporting Dir. Dave LaRosa/Feenix Films
9-Ball Supporting Dir. Tony Palma
Nicky Newark Principal Dir. Dave LaRosa/Feenix Films
Four Single Fathers Supporting Dir. Paolo Monico
Eavesdrop Supporting Dir. Matthew Miele
Driving Me Crazy Principal Dir. Steve Marshall
Brooklyn Lobster Supporting Dir. Kevin Jordan
What She Wished For (Reading) Claire Dir. Melissa Skirboll
Muffin Marilyn Dir. Melissa Skirboll; Nylon Fusion
Unmentionables Joan Madison Dir. M. Mendez; Nylon Fusion
Miriam & Michelle Miriam Shorts 2; Kraine Theatre
If Olivia Spring Fling; F*It Club
Hiroshi-Me-Me-Me Roberta Network One Act Festival
In the Air Ellen Stageplays
Icarus & Aria Aria Todo con Nada
Accomplice Harley/Melinda Lilli Theatreworks
Love’s Labour’s Lost Princess Todo con Nada
Bob Krakower, Larry Moss, Tim Phillips, Heidi Marshall, Josh Pais, Penny Templeton,
LAByrinth Theater Co. Master Class Alumnus, feenix films ensemble member.
b.f.a. texas christian university; theatre, r.t.v.f,